Thursday, October 27, 2005

fre more days to exams

This is my first entry. Well, I have been reading some blogs recently and I thought that maybe it is a good idea for me to pen down my thoughts at the end of each day. Hopefully, by writing down the events for the day, I will be able to reflect on myself and seek to understand myself better. Also, through sharing my tots, i hope that those who are reading my blog will be able to learn some precious lessons.

Many things are happening each day, some of us are just too busy to even look back and reflect. I hope not to lose myself in the mounting pressures from this rat race society. Afterall, we all question the existence of humans... of ourselves. Are we here to beat the guy who is sitting next to you in the exams hall? Is our self esteem determined by the grades on our transcript? I dun think so. I know that I have to do well for the coming exams.. and I am working really hard for all the subjects.... but sometimes I will ponder about what I am pursuing....

well, all said. Back to books. Good luck.


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