Monday, March 27, 2006

i know that u will always be here for me

I am thankful for your presence. All else can change but I know that ur love for me will never change.. No matter how much i can achieve, nothing can be compared to having u by my side, sharing my happiness and sorrow. sometimes, i just have to bring myself back to reality... achievements are important, but what's successes without love and care and someone to share the joys with. Ultimately, you are the one and only who i treasure most.. May bliss and happiness be with us forever.. my dearest. All else can go but not you.

Monday, March 13, 2006

I've made up my mind.

I guess that I have wasted quite some time in considering whether to go for the US summer programme. Also, I have been really unproductive during the past few days. I HAVE MADE UP my MIND.

FIRST, from today, 14 Mar 06 => Full Ahead all engines! I will study like crazy from today onwards n strive to be my usual productive and highly efficient self. I MUST get at least 5 As on my transcript for this term.. n hopefull be in the Dean's list. GPA must be more than 4.5o.

For the past 3 quizes, I have done OK (average of 80 plus). NOt really happy with the score cos i was expecting better results. In any case, these scores just mean that I have to work harder to achieve what I want to achieve. At the rate I am working... it is NOT good enough. I must ACED all my subjects. I know that I CAN DO IT!

Next, on the advice on my uncle: MOney can be earned back in future, but opportunity gone will never come back again. I have decided to go for the Summer Programme at the prestigous UC Berkeley. I cant be bothered to think more.. I will go and plan out the details later...

4 WEEKS to go... counting down! I still have time now. It is up to me to make best use of this time before exam.. Be healthy and keep up the good spirit!

I will achieve!!

Mood Now: upbeat, positive and highly motivated!

Sign off

Thursday, March 02, 2006

what i value most.

mmm, was really touched after reading zhen's mail. well, she said was true.. some things are external and some are eternal.. we all wish we could spend time the way we actually want, but the fact is that we are all subjected to external constraints ... lectures, tutorial, assigment, training n whatsover,, Sometimes we do get distracted n what is important is that we talk about our feelings opnely n seek to solve a common problem.. the key point is not to point finger too quickly. we ought to be rational, pragmatic in dealing with emotional matters. one way to go about doing it is to write out our emotions n our priority.