Wednesday, January 21, 2009

writing down some thoughts

2.30am in the morning.. haha.. going to bed soon after this post.

several things to settle.

1. need to submit more documents for approval. omg, hope this is the last time and that the approval will be given in a few days time... so ma fan. just wish to sign the S&P and have some kind of closure cos' this is bugging me a bit...

2. need tons of luck with my survey... got to send out tmr.. hope the response will be good. omg.. my grade largely depends on it.. so that i can write a decent, convincing and scientific report... gosh.. focsed and work hard ya! Luck be on my side =)

3. continue to catch up and study hard.. though 3rd week only. need to ACE both subjects to give some buffer man.. FIRST CLASS HONOURS... u're driving me crazy and giving me sleepless night..

4. hmm.. need to do spring cleaning also.. super overdue!! omg.. this Friday got to DO IT! no excuse!

well.. pray that everything is smooth sailing.. in particular my loan and project.....=) argghh..

gambante! jia you! I can do it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New year.. New semester

Week 2 on the academic calendar but I should consider this my first week =). Confirmed my sbj registration.. taking 2 sbj this semester and sitting in to listen to one other. reason to take one additional sbj is part interest and part strategic (diluting the wt of fyp).

New Year Goals:

Academic - BSc First Class Honours. implication: min A- for fyp. My biggest worry now is fyp.. seemed to be moving really slowly.. supervisor not so enthusiastic, ver ave. team/ lack of initiative.. only got to work hard and pray hard =) Only one chance to be undergraduate.. be let me be blessed with FIRST CLASS HONOURS that I can be proud of! haha...

House: please get my loan approved asap and S&P signed so that I can have a peaceful mind. I dun trust ***.... so many procedures/rules etc. and apparently they dun communicate among dpts. *** pls do not give me any trouble! I have submitted to you all that I need..will need to waste a lot of time just to satisfy them..omg.. Look forward to completion of house in 2011.

Financial: Ought to have some discipline savings plan.. cos got a big loan now. how to earn more $$? other than saving... how can I increase the inflow rate? make my $$ work for me?

Career: get onboard a good ship with good crew. Do well in Navigation.. Be involved in projects. Scheme C is still my target/wish.. whatever. got to work hard ya. A grade all the way... my wish to join the elite admin service some time in the future...

Family: hope bro get a job asap... everyone is healthy and happy =)

Language: pls watch..

Fitness: regular exercise. Gold standard.

Others: hope that everything is smooth going and luck/ help/ good people always be on my side. Be healthy and happy =) May it be a prosperous, happy, fulfilling, rewarding OX year ahead! moo..mooo....Beautiful year hahead =)...cheers!