Friday, September 07, 2007

Dreams... will they remain as dreams forever?

Exactly a month in Oslo. Everything is fine so far. Not too much excitement and the pace of life is slow. Maybe it is the ideal place for type A person like myself. I've been travelling to some places.. went to stockholm, goteborg, bergen. nice places. totally different from troipical SEA. the buildings were rich in heritage.. old but not worn out and each has a spirit of its own.

this is a good time not just for learning, travelling, but i think most importantly for me to think about what i want to achieve and what i want to do in the near future. i must not and cannot slack in my studies over here. I will continue to strive for excellence and to achive the best possible results - that's me. Excellence is what I stand for.

My values:

1. Honesty and Integrity
Be truthful to self and others. Only when I am honest to myself and to others can I live happily. To be sincere to people i deal with and to live my true self. Do not cheat, Do not steal, Do not lie.
Do what is right and not to choose the easy way out. Achieve excellence.

2. Love and Compassion
Family and Friends are most important afterall. Property can be lost, destroyed. Achievements can easily be forgotten and washed off. Show care and concerns to people around me. help others when there is a chance to do so. People will remember that I made a difference. Be forgiving in words and in deed.

3. Discipline
Think long term. Delayed gratification. Work hard now for a better tomorrow. Stick firmly to achieve what was set out.

My goals (Short term): Before I turn 28 Yrs Old

1. 1ST CLASS HONOURS Bachelor of Science in Maritime Studies
2. S$50,000 cash holdings when I graduate. Find part time work! Give Tuition! 2 to 3 Kids.
3. Succesful investment. ROI of about 10 percent per annun. Shrewd investor.
4. Scheme 'C'. I want it bad enough and I know that I can achieve. I am good enough.
5. Get married. Get a House. Get a Car.

My goals (Long term):

1. I want to do a Masters in Finance/ Ship Finance or in Business Administration. And a Masters in Strategic Studies. I want to be a scholar. A thinker. A Strategist. I MUST GET IT at a World renowned UNIVERSITY/ INSTITUTION. I still remember my dream. HARVARD dream. I WANT to materialise this dream!

2. 2 or 3 Kids... depends.

3. Senior Management within 10 years counting from Day 1 of work. LT COL by 34 latest. Division Manager in the private sector.

4. Do some charity work and help others. Give back to society/ schools.

5. A nice landed property in a district 9/10 or 11. 2 cars and tons of assets in other properties, stocks and investments. HAPPY, LOVING AND HEALTHY FAMILY is most important.

6. Continue to work till old age.

If I believe that I can achieve. I can.