Monday, October 31, 2005

Would it be different?

I have been reading the blogs of my friends who are studying overseas.. in the US, in the UK. Sometimes, I wonder if life would be different if I had the opportunity or the ability to go overseas? What was i thinking about when I decided to stay in Singapore? Was I just one of those weak sould who did not dare to step out of my comfort zone... fearing the uncertainties after leaving the land which I grew up on. Sometimes, there is this bit of envy when so many of my friends are having great experiences overseas (homesick aside) Once this opportunity has passed, I guess that I ahve to wait for quite a while before I can have he chance to leave my comfort zone.

Would I have become a more rounded person if I had gone overseas? How would my perspectives have changed? I wonder.. I wonder. There is just so little to experience in Singapore (not suggesting that this is a lousy place to live in, certainly not!) But the world out there is just so much more exciting! Especially for a young person like me... haha.

Now, I just pray that i will get to go to Norway for a semester! How cool right? I hope that my dream will come true.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream Discover." -Mark Twain-

Everyday is a new day

Finish everyday and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and adsurdities no doubt crept in;
Forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely
and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

This day is good and fair.
It is too dear, with it's hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on yesterday.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Taking a break

After hours of studying, it is time to take a short break.. prob. regard the break as a small reward for making progress. My first paper is on this coming wed 2 Nov 05. Hope that it will be a good start=>A for business finance. haha. I have made good progress so far. pretty happy about it. For this semester, I hope to achieve a GPA of close at least 4. hopefully i can achieve it. anyway, good luck to all everyone out there who is taking your exams soon. All the best. conquer the impossible. Remember that if you want it bad enough, you can achieve it. All the best!

Immediate gratification often isnt the best option available. Enjoy later...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

fre more days to exams

This is my first entry. Well, I have been reading some blogs recently and I thought that maybe it is a good idea for me to pen down my thoughts at the end of each day. Hopefully, by writing down the events for the day, I will be able to reflect on myself and seek to understand myself better. Also, through sharing my tots, i hope that those who are reading my blog will be able to learn some precious lessons.

Many things are happening each day, some of us are just too busy to even look back and reflect. I hope not to lose myself in the mounting pressures from this rat race society. Afterall, we all question the existence of humans... of ourselves. Are we here to beat the guy who is sitting next to you in the exams hall? Is our self esteem determined by the grades on our transcript? I dun think so. I know that I have to do well for the coming exams.. and I am working really hard for all the subjects.... but sometimes I will ponder about what I am pursuing....

well, all said. Back to books. Good luck.