Monday, October 27, 2008

Preparation for exams

15 days to go and counting down. hmm.. still not in top gear.. a little worrying now. where to find motivation? can it be bought? can it be found? I just need to keep out all distractions or rather get realistic and stop day dreaming. hmmm. this can be considered one of my most important exams and also one last one.. cos next sem left with 1 subject. what do i want to achieve? Top priority remains unchange: First Class Honours => CGPA > 4.5. Well, in order to do that, I must at least maintain a worst case of GPA 4.5... but that's not enough. Can I get at least 4.8? I have not done it before and this seems to be my last chance to give a go at it. "I can do it" BUT I must start mugging like nobody business now.... there are 2 subjects that i don't feel comfortable.. ITM and finance engineering.. omg. Here's my targets (hope that it becomes more visible by writing down):

1. HRM: A+
2. Shipping Logistics: A+/A
3. Professional Communication: A
4. Intermodal: A
5. ITM: A/A-/B+?
6. Engineering Finance: A? /B? (i duno)
7. Research Project: Must get min A- la.. if not die. that's for next semester.

time to start working hard. Best all luck to myself =) Cheers.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Disappointed with my grade

well.. B+. I know i didn't do well during my quiz but I guess it's this natural human expectations to expect some sort of miracle.. the reality sinks in when i see the grade. no point feeling sad. life goes on and it is just one quiz. on the brighter side, i still have 85percent to fight for. the game is not over. I will not succumb to it. keep focused and do all i can now cos the exam is still 1 month away. I hate exams and i hate having to memo all the stuff for the sake of taking exams. but well, that's life. Looking forward to graduate with First Class... just means that I must work harder. no alternative. Just keep going. in fact after this semester.. i would roughly know my chances of getting first class. cos last sem has little impact except for my FYP. the game is not over.... keep going.. keep going. and most important. be happy. life is not abt grades and results only. live to enjoy... crap. i'm brought up in this system.........

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Looking at a photo

the only things i could do now is to work hard and be focused. there are more in life than getting into the group of elite. i aspired to be one of them but i am happy the way i am now =) cheers. See things from the commoner perspective...