Monday, October 25, 2010


TOP 3 in the course.

I will b e the very best as I always aim to be. The star is my motivation. I shall achieve.

it has been 10 months since my post

it has been 10 months since my last post. well 10 months... not exactly a very long period of time but so much has happened... both at work and at home.

got my bwc. closed up as ano. accomplished quite a few things within the squadron.. minute in nature but i guess it all adds up.. work wise, i would say that it had been fruitful, eventful and quite satusfying at times although there were challenges. Once again, at I'm at the junction of deciding what's next.. well not exactly.. may be it doesn't matter what I choose cos the choice does not really lies with me.. I know what I want but this time round, I may not be able to get what I want.. all said abt the system in place, all said about how I feel. time to move more.

I guess what is critical for me now is to decide how I can make the best out of whatever the outcome is... NO or Aops. these are very different roles and the experience is likely to be vastly different. there are some comforting factors if I do not become Aops. NO is indeed a high calling, a role entrusted with heavy respsonsibilities, a position where many skills will be honed, when performed well, it is a role that demands envy and respect.. not easy at all. i recognise that. I guess that it is indeed an honour to have senior commanders who have faith in me to perform this role. An honour indeed and a testament to the trust they have in me. I am not too sure what I am afraid of.. what is the cause of my aprehension? I am not sure.. a fear of going through the same old things again, a fear of doing something which I think I may not be best fitted for, a fear that stems from a lack of good role model.

If I were indeed put into this position. I know I can make lemonade out of lemon. I am pretty sure that i will do the job well... but where is the passion? Am I able to make myself love this job? questionable. then, what happens to my wish to be a top PWO? I do not see that NO helps in this long term goal of mine. I am concerned.

One thing is sure, regardless of my posting, I will make the best out of it. Set goals for myself and the people under my charge. I will do well for myself and for the good of those whom I serve and I lead. I must be a good living example who exemplifies good and inspiring leadership. I will succeed. No matter where I am placed, the next appointment will be one that I make difference. I will succeed. I will leave a good and enduring leagcy.

family wise, pretty big headache. all that should be said has been said. Just hope that ah ma can get well soon and be happy for the rest of her golden years. It was heartening to see that everyone in the family rallied to give our best care to her. But it was also disheartening to observe how poor decisions were made at times and to see individual behave in less than desirable manner...

evenful 10 months. a mixed of Ups and Downs.

Life goes on. 2011 is going to be busy. I need to start making more $$$